Well have decided to give the last card to my friends/neighbours who are looking after Charlie and Lola. Very grateful.
I am off to Ashford, Kent to my cousin's wedding so am v busy packing but got bored after firat few things so am procrastinating and having a chat with you all.
My Blog won't be updated until I am back so don't panic, not that you would I am sure! I have camera packed ready for some photos of us all dolled up!
So much for my Garden Party cards which have not been able to get to the people selling them. They weren't relying on them as they knew I had lots on anyhow so they are ok with it. However I feel a bit of a failure. Never mind.

Here's a card I made with the images I created
earlier in the week. Penny black image and Dovecraft Amethyst paper. love this image!