Well I did not get a chance to say hello yesterday! Been here there and everywhere doing sound for a residents association meeting for the first time. I must admit I did not do it very well! Microphones died on me and the PA system is ancient!
So here I am sitting at my laptop whilst it is tipping down outside after having to retrieve the washing very quickly earlier. It started out as such a sunny morning.
I have made this card with one of my new stamps, I think this is my favourite stamp. I used 'the big one' papers from papermania for the background and coloured it with watercolours.

Thank you dddeeebbbzzz for the fab award you sent me. I guess I can send it on to 4 creative people...
So here goes:
I send it to Andrea and Rainbow lady (Cynthia) as they both knew me and encouraged me before I blogged with my cardmaking.
I love the look of cleocrafts and the jewellary she makes so sending it to Mandi
and finally to Jay who proves she is definitely anything but boring! I love the scrap pages she creates!
Well done for your fantastic creativity you deserve the award and more!!!!!