Woohoo weekend is here and couldn't come soon enough! I can't wait to play with my new stuff. I have got to finish the card though as my parents are taking the cards and pressies down to her in Kent on Sunday so have to get into gear.
I wanted to respond to my friend Debs who wrote about her love of the 'laws of straightness'. She likes to craft very differently to me which is good as I think we tend to balance out the universe that way!
My way of crafting or visually making Lo's is to have no laws at all, it is to be free using wiggly, wavy, spirally techniques. I have photos that have lives of their own and fall to the side rather than sitting straight.

I also like defying the 'laws of straightness', ( I am a very defiant person when I want to be, ask Debs) having circular items with 'crazy and leaning' text. Admittedly I don't do it all the time and as you can see from my cards I conform when making cards to sell or knowing that people would prefer to have a card that's not too radical. However let me loose and the curls and waves come out, I am almost drawn to them in fact. Hence I am soooooo excited by the new delivery yesterday as it has the scrolls and wiggles. I am a wiggly wavy person!
Whatever way you are though, embrace it through your craft and enjoy it whether it be straight or curvy.
think I'm with you on this one
Debz made me feel quite messy nd unorganized LOL (funny my hubby thinks that too!!) have a scraptastic day
You have to go with what works for you, despite anybody telling you otherwise!
Enjoy playing with your stash and go for the swirls :)
Consider yourself tagged! You have to post 7 random facts about yourself and then tag 5 more people! I've explained why in my blog. That should keep you busy! LOL!
I love your wiggly wavy technique. Better to go with the flow than try to be constrained, I always think.
I love those pics you have here. I have the book The Happiness Pig (I think that's its title). It's a great little read. Deb x
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