Monday, 25 August 2008

No so big decorating disaster

Well disaster over! Andrew decided to call his dad and ask what to do and over his dad came to look at the situation and we can mastic and then cement and then plaster the holes. So no problem. Andrew doing some DIY! Quickly got a photo as evidence that he does DIY honest! So no plasterers needed PHEW! I am off to sugar soap the walls before painting them. woohoo!

Only problem now is that all this mastic, cement and plastering is going to take longer so will still have to wait longer to craft OH NO


misteejay said...

Nooooooooooo!!! delay on the crafting front :o( but at least the DIY hasn't become a major problem LOL

Toni :o)

Cass said...

Glad the problem isn't so bad.It'll be lovely when it's finished.

Cass xxx

karen said...

julia glad you got the wall sorted and didnt need to call in a decorator, thanks for the comments on my blog, are you ready for going back to work?
karen x

Paige said...

R' but how wonderful willt he room look once it is finished and that lovley big window with let in so much natural light for you to scrap to. have you chosen a colour to depink it with?

kelly said...

The colour of yor wall is AMAZING!!!!!!

~Emma~ said...

J I have to agree that the colour is fantastic...but the delay in crafting is criminal! LOL!